Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

The last two days in Newport have been wet and windy. Both mornings I woke up to the slapping of raindrops against my screen window, which continuoulsy trickled onto my bed. While I do not complain about rain that often, this weather is just starting to get annoying. Not only have I not been able to journey down to the beach at all this summer, the damp weather has been keeping me from making money which is no fun at all. There's not much to do, when the skies are grey and the temp. below 70 for a whole month. There are only so many movies one can watch, and books to read. I never thought that I would ever experience more disappointing weather than I do up in Maine every year. I mean it sucks to have 3/4 of a year covered in snow, but when it is finally time to venture home and relax, how could Mama Nature be so unthoughtful? I mean serioulsy, can we please at least one full month of beautiful weather? That's all I ask for. I'm going to the the Land of Luck in 2 weeks, and I doubt the skies will treat me any better while in Dublin. The worst part is that once in a while the sun will tease you, pretending to burn through the mist, only to jump right back behind the clouds 20 minutes later. Anyways, hopefully you will be able to read a more pleasant post in the future, if MN decides to bless us with her beauty. But until then, keep those umbrellas by the front door and go see The Hangover as many times as possible.

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